How Long Can You Have A Safe Cord Blood Storage?


Umbilical cord blood banking is a process that is slowly taking up its demand. As time goes, it will become something that cannot be skipped due to its high importance. This process has now started trending as well.

The period for storage

According to many research that took place, they can be stored for a very long time indeed. If they are stored and frozen correctly, these kinds of cells can last for many decades also. The process should be done correctly to achieve these kinds of results.

A lot of factors make a difference. Here are a few to mention:

  • The time when it is taken

  • The way it is preserved

  • The method used for preservation

  • The accuracy of the process followed

Has it worked?

Yes, it has. Many people around the globe have been cured using these cells that were stored. These cells can be used for fighting off many kinds of deadly diseases as well. They have been a tremendous medicinal discovery.

There are nitrogen-containing tanks as well where these kinds of cells are stored. There are many instances where the cells have been preserved for a very long time and have worked out perfectly well, proving that they can be stored for a very long time indeed.


Now, saving umbilical cord has become a vital process today. Any kid that is born gives this new opportunity to store these cells. Many tests have taken place after saving these cells for many years and testing them after every span of 4-5 years again and again. Even after 20 years, the cells have given out accurate results as well, showing that their life is very long when they are preserved in the right ways.

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