Important Things You Should Know About Cord Blood Banking


We all know about the umbilical cord that connects the fetus to the placenta. Back in the days, it was treated as waste and was thrown away right after post-delivery. But researchers have found that it holds great potential to treat several diseases. This gave rise to cord blood storage all over the world. Now you have the opportunity to store your baby’s cord blood for future needs.




Cord blood is contains powerful stem cells that are capable of treating as many as 80 diseases right now. It can even treat certain types of cancers and a few other diseases that have no treatment available. This is why doctors and researchers are taking umbilical cord blood banking so seriously these days.


What should you know about cord blood banking?


Before you opt for banking cord blood, you need to be made aware of a few things. Go through the pointers listed below and you will get an idea.


  1. Cord blood banking doesn’t take much time


Cord blood banking takes less than even 5 minutes to get done. While you are busy attending your baby, the team will collect a sample of your baby’s cord blood for storage. You won’t even know when it gets done.


  1. Cord blood can treat many diseases


As already mentioned above, cord blood has the potential to treat several disease including cancer. Researches are being conducted to know more cord blood and its capabilities.


  1. Storing cord blood is highly expensive


If you are planning to store your baby’s cord blood in a private bank then you should that it’s going to cost you a lot. You will have to pay annual or monthly charges to keep it safe without knowing whether your child will ever need it.


  1. It can be stored for over 20 years


If you thought that you can store stem cells for an indefinite period then you are wrong. You can store it only for as long as 22 years.


Cord blood banking is getting more popular as discoveries are surfacing. Hopefully, there will be a less expensive method pf storing it.


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